Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Laurie's Bday Fundraising Opportunity

 Help support the Majchers for Laurie's b-day!, a Dark Heather Grey Premium Unisex Tee

Hey Y'all, above is the link and a pic of what we are selling to help with some of our growing needs as we stay in the Dominican Republic.  We would love a huge happy birthday to me by buying a gift for YOU, and YOUR FAMILY and maybe YOUR DOG. :)  I think your neighbor would look smashing in a Moving Majcher Mountains sweatshirt!  :) When you receive your shirt(s), please send me a pic of you in your new shirt! 

I know these aren't the days of communal living as in Acts, but we truly, truly can't do what we do without the financial support of individuals.  

Thank you for helping me live out Philippians 4:6.

Verse of the Day - Philippians 4:6 | The JOY FM 

Grace and much peace, 

Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi, and Sarah

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

I Met a Strange Lady


I Met a Strange Lady

No, this isn’t a Men at Work song. No, we have not 

moved to the Land Down Under.  :)   But, I did meet 

a strange lady at my parent’s church.  I don’t know 

much about her, but she runs a non-profit for women 

who struggle with addiction.  Her ministry is called 

Worthy Women and it is worth checking out here!  

The bottom line is that Sonshine, the founder, doesn’t 

play.  She considers herself a professional beggar for 

her ministry.  Her business model is simply Philippians 4:6.

Do not be anxious?  

No, not about about anything.  

BUT RATHER, take to the Lord.  

Tell Him about stuff and ask Him 

for what you need.  

Be grateful for what you do have.  

Hmmmm, that’s kinda weird.

The first day back at school is a work day for staff.  We 

have devos, worship, prepare, and do some Let’s-Get-

Ready-For-The-Kids stuff.  One of the points was to 

re-engage with a card we wrote when we were fresh-faced 

at a retreat back in August.  I had ZERO idea what I 

had written….Aug seems like many moons ago.  🙂

I was re-struck by the word ‘unhindered’.  It did cross my 

mind that ‘worry’ could be construed as a ‘hindrance’…….. 

I DO want to be used by God--


by worry, fear and the hurdle of fundraising.

Many people are ‘professional beggars’ like Sonshine calls it.  

It is the way many schools and businesses overseas are able 

to function and keep costs affordable for stakeholders.  

Fundraising has never really been my spiritual gift, but God is 

clear in His Word to not WORRY about it though.  I am not 

promoting that we not work or use our brains God has given us.   

God very well may use fundraising--or lack of it--as a way to 

guide our family, but regardless, I am specifically told in Scripture 

to not worry.  

My friend, David Gusik, reminded me that when I worry I usurp 

my Heavenly Father’s role a Father.  I am a Child of God.  

My role is child.  I need not WORRY for things that are for things 

in my life--much like when I was little.  No one expected me as a 

child to figure out the family budget.  

Not my role. Not my lane.  

I want to serve God unhindered.  

Do we need to raise more support?  Yes!  

Have I wondered if God is using our low support 

to call us back to the States?  Yeah.  

Has this year-long missions trip has turned into 

a home? It sure has.   

Our country away from our country.  

My confidence in the words ‘do not worry for anything’ 

get a hair foggy here.  So, I will consider those things AS 

I bring them into prayer with my Father.  The One who 

desires a relationship with me, to hear my fears and wants 

my anxious thoughts.  I will fight the temptation to 

Worry and I am committed to a new business model.  

Striving to be unhindered by anxiousness, I will surrender 

it regularly, communicate with Him about my highs and 

lows while asking Him for provision and thanking Him for 

all the wonderful blessings He has provided for our family 

over the years.  

Thanks for reading this far. I wouldn’t want to make it 

challenging for God’s provision to be evident, so I will 

include our giving page.  Blessings to you all as you listen 

to the Lord’s prompting (in whatever way you are doing that) 

and are obedient to it. MANY are blessed through your 

faithfulness to Him.  Majcher Giving Page

Grace and peace, 


Thursday, October 26, 2023

In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him


In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him

Hello Everybody, 

How powerful, good, and comforting is His Word!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart

In August, we celebrated ten years of living in the 

Dominican Republic as a family.  First, we served on 

the north coast with Makarios.

Do not lean on your own understanding

Now we serve in the mountains

of Jarabacoa with Doulos Discovery School. 

In all your ways acknowledge Him. 

This year, Sam (14 years old) entered high school, plays

soccer and basketball, and also plays bass in our 

church worship band.  

Levi (13 years old) is in his last year of middle school,  

plays soccer, and has a great group of friends. 

Sarah (10 years old) started middle school, has joined

the volleyball team and is hoping to get a perm in

her hair at Christmastime.  

Laurie is the Dean of Discipline which allows her 

the privilege to have heart conversations all day long.

And He will make your paths straight.

We are here for the foreseeable future.  I never imagined

that I would write those words after ten years!  

He will direct our paths.  


A couple of significant verses to my new role have been 

Proverbs 12:1 (I am considering painting this one on my 

office walls.  haha) and Psalm 51:17

May the students and parents of Doulos

be impacted by the reality of Jesus

Christ through the staff of Doulos.  

May there be a love of knowledge and openness

to correction through a contrite heart. 

THANK YOU for praying for our family.  

Some prayer requests:

--salvation for students and parents of Doulos. 

--housing. We need to move by summer as our 

apartment will be an airb&b.  Please

Pray for reasonable housing at a good

price--not easy these days in Jarabacoa.  

--more support.  Being on the field

9 years longer than anticipated means 

we must grow our support base. 

(The Majcher Family Giving Site )

--counseling degree. Laurie is halfway

through her counseling degree.  She 

feels like she may never end, but

continues to plug along.  Pray for 

perseverance as she pursues this 20+-year


Thanks for reading, y’all!!  Also, plan a visit! 🙂

Que Dios les bendiga//May God bless you, 

Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi and Sarah

Doulos Discover School

Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Hello Everyone!!

Hello, everyone!  Wow, it has been some time.  

(I feel like I always start that way…)  Here is a bit of an update 

of our family.



Photo cred:  Rachel Sawyer

Photo cred:  Jennifer Mroczek                    Our family at 27 Waterfalls.

                                           Photo cred:  Rachel Sawyer

Photo cred: Rachel Sawyer 


Our wonderful art teacher made mugs of her students' work. Above is the pic.               




 He enjoys playing on the Middle School basketball and soccer teams.   

Sam’s nose had an unfortunate union with Levi’s knee during soccer 

and Sam’s nose lost. Thankfully, surgery wasn’t needed.  He also 

really enjoys playing bass.  The picture below is Sam playing in one 

of the weekly High School/Middle School chapels.


Photo cred of Sam in uniform:  Rachel Sawyer


Levi is 12 and in 7th grade.  He also enjoys playing on the Middle 

School soccer team.  Sam, Levi and a couple friends from school 

have been inspired to go evangelizing in the communities where

our church is.  Levi’s friend speaks Haitian Creole and they all 

speak Spanish, so their bases are covered.  🙂 Levi loves games 

and invites anyone to come on down to play games with our family! 

Levi was also awarded the Wise Award by his teachers this year.  

The theme was Circus for this award ceremony called ‘Revolution’, 

hence the clown nose!  :)

Photo cred of Levi in school uniform and getting award:  Rachel Sawyer


Sarah is 9 and in 5th grade.  She loves to take pictures of beautiful 

and interesting things.  I will spare you the dead tarantula photos!  

Doulos takes time to get all of our students outdoors.  Sarah’s class 

went for 2 nights into the mountains.  It is a valuable commitment 

Doulos makes.  Sarah is pictured here with the fantastic assistant to 

5th grade, Luisa.  

Photo cred of Sarah in hula hoops:  Grace Dagget de Peralta

Photo cred of Luisa and Sarah: Luisa Pichardo 

Photo cred of Sarah in uniform: Rachel Sawyer 


Joe has still been struggling with his health since COVID, but he is able 

to be the chauffeur for the boys when they go evangelizing.  Below is Joe 

not cutting his hair all through COVID and the picture next to it is after a 

shave and a haircut!  


Laurie keeps busy by overseeing the elementary and Specials teachers.  

They are 21 in total.  She is also in charge of discipline for the elementary school.   

(Oh, that reminds me, PLEASE be 

praying for a Dean of Students who can take over 

discipline. 😀)  She is also pursuing 

a Master’s in Counseling from Crown College.  In her spare time, 

she breathes. :)  

Below is a picture of Laurie’s Bible Study.  We all went so Laurie could

show them where our family used to serve.  What a great weekend!

Laurie turned 50 in February.   

Some of her dearest amigas come down 

to the DR with their families to celebrate. It was such a refreshing summer 

to have these sweet visitors!  Thanks Kim and fam, 

Sharla and fam, and Kate and fam.  We visited Glenn whom 

we all met at Santiago Christian School….several years ago. 


Laurie opted out of the first two weeks of school this year to experience 

dengue.  I don’t recommend it.  At all.  Thankfully, all is well now.  

Laurie has had a few chances to be the speaker at our elementary chapels.  

(Oh, that reminds me, please be praying for a chaplain 

for our school.) The last pic is Laurie is showing the kids 

potentially why Joseph’s brothers didn’t recognize him when 

they showed up to Egypt. Twenty-two years had passed, but 

his outfit would have certainly thrown them off. Laurie suspects THAT 

outfit, but she is no Biblical scholar, so she could be wrong.  

**This is a point of prayer**  We have seen students come to 

Christ this semester. 


Please pray for growth and for more to come to know 

Him as their Savior! 

Y’all who are still reading.  Thank you so much.   We are 

so appreciative for all of you who take interest in our

corner of the world here in the DR. 

If you would like to join our support team or hear more about the ministry 

of  Doulos Discovery School, please let me know. I love talking about how 

cool and unique Doulos is--there is, literally, no school on the planet like it.  

Here’s where you can send 

support to our family by 

clicking ‘Missionary Staff’ 

and then selecting our 

name from dropbox:   

Support Laurie and Joe Majcher

Grace and peace, 

Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi and Sarah Majcher