Sunday, February 15, 2015

20+ Beds

One day recently-ish as I was giving the kids the run down for the day I said we would do this and that and then 'we will go home'. Levi looks at me with confusion and inquired, “Where IS 'home'???”

Our family moved out of our house in Puerto Plata mid-November to prepare for a trip stateside to raise funds, attend missionary training and visit family. This endeavor will take us to mid-March before we can go home—back to the DR.

1 Peter 4:9 Be hospitable to one another.

This time of traveling hither and thither has afforded us some (not-as-intensely needed) family time. We will have been in more than 20 different beds in these months. We have been in homes of many VERY gracious people who have blessed us richly through their hospitality to this family of vagabonds.

First stop was the Makarios mission house where we stayed for two weeks. Doug and Margaret Beck, who run the Makarios mission house, were fantastic about their normally-very-quiet mornings being replaced by...something very different. The second week was spent WITH the mission team from Hill Country Christian School of Austin—it was a regular slumber party which included a wedding being thrown at the Mak House! Then to Cori and Ruth Mora for our first month back in the States. Hats off also to Ashlee and Aimee Mora (former students of mine) who were temporarily booted from their bedrooms to be taken over by Hurricane Majcher. It was here we were given Sarah's now-favorite new book! Then to Matt and Kassie Fleming (former students of mine) and his dad's farm for a fun, animal-filled get-away that was refreshing to us all. Sam is still talking about how he can shoot a gun all by himself! Then off to the trying-to-sell-their-house-so-they-can-move-to-the-DR Cory and Ashly Albright's where we discovered Paw Patrol, gingerbread trains aren't as easy to assemble as one may think and that Izzy, the cat, really doesn't want to be friends with Sarah as hard as she may try. :) Then off to snowy Indy where we stayed with Jen (a former student of mine) and her very cool police- officer husband, Dan where we stumbled upon a Chuy's restaurant and that Sam IS capable of recognizing that there is a pretty solid chance that the bunk bed WILL fall nearly missing Levi below at some point in the night. :) Then off to a week of swimming at an indoor pool in Mishawaka, IN thanks to Chris Hickey and Paige Snider and then off to the home of the gracious Ron and Gail Knickrehm where Sam, Levi and Sarah got to sled for the first time. (Actually, I should also thank their daughter/my former student, Kate, since she is the one who volunteered their house!!) Then to the yummy house of Indiana Deli owner, Nancy Beatty, who made the fateful move of mentioning that she had space for our family and even had bunk beds!! Then off to the lovely home of Matt and Stephanie Kohl who are in the small group that we used to attend. These people are saints as there is almost no part of their master bedroom—which they gave up for Hurricane Majcher—where my family did not puke. In the mix has been hotels between Texas and Indiana and between Texas and Colorado, plus the haven of endless chocolate for all grandkids (the home of Don and Judie Hickey) and the haven of endless pizza for all grandkids (the home of Pam Majcher). It should not go unnoticed that my mom housed three pukers as well. Sam was one. Levi was another who puked on my mom as she was trying to get out the door to see Beth Moore. My saint-of-a-mother canceled her plans so I could keep mine—girls night out with dear friends of almost 20 years, Kate Mawby, Kim Heuer and Sharla Megilligan. The other one was my dad who got sick from Sam and Levi. :(

We are so thankful for the endless generosity and kindness our family as been shown throughout these months. Many memories have been made and friendships deepened. This list,does not even include the wonderful offers we had to stay at folks' houses as well or those who have treated us to a meal or gave helpful cash donations. Needless to say, the Dominicans will note how well we have been treated and will happily comment on how fat we have become while being in the States!! Seriously.

I am extremely happy to report that we are in Colorado right now participating in the long-awaited, month-long missionary training. It is with the generosity and prayers of many that we are here. In God's sweet timing we had a large and generous gift come in 2 days before we were to leave for Colorado that allowed us to attend this training paid in full. We have been here a week and already have learned so much as a family.

God is so good and He certainly isn't boring!!

Finally, as always, we ask if YOU are willing to be a part of our monthly support team or spare some of that tax return. Our supporters are an elite group of wonderfully loved-by-us people! We truly can't do what we do without the support of folks like yourselves. We are looking for 18 more people to give $100 a month to bring us to fully supported. Here's how:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Belong in the Service of the King

Last Sunday while at Hill Country Bible Church NW where they are doing a series on Esther I was amazingly struck by some amazingly simple points. They are found in Esther chapter 4 -7 where Esther the Queen is informed of a plot to kill her people and she could play a major part in sparing them.

  1. Esther, at first, is reluctant to be out of obedience of the king.
            Her first response when asked to go before the king is to note that it was, in fact, a crime
            worthy of death to approach the king when you were called by him. I became very aware
            of how different my life would be if I were to so quickly be willing to honor my King
            with obedience when I am about to do something that is outside of what the King asks of
            me. The King says to not fear or fret. The King says to fully rely on Him. The King says
            to give my best to Him. The King says to seek Him first and His Kingdom.
            May I be quick to honor my King through obedience.

  1. God uses timing to create a scenario where He is glorified.

    Our God is a good God, but His timing sometimes can be frustrating. This time of fundraising and having deadlines has proven to be a waiting/gaining patience and trust game. As we are reliant on folks to hear the Lord and then respond we know that God provides in some of the most unexpected ways. Several puzzle pieces needed to be in place and when they seemingly weren't, God showed up in a major way. This story of Esther is worth a read if it has been a while for you! We had a bill for missionary training in Colorado that really needed to be paid for by Monday as that is the day the program starts. We lacked a few thousand dollars AND with the whole family being sick this week fundraising communication almost nonexistent. Today when I checked our Makarios account there was that last few thousand dollars from a single donor. And today is only Thursday. His timing is perfect.....and faith-building!
Esther 4:14 “For if you remain completely silent at this time, the life and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

I appreciate that God has a plan for us. I value that He uses us and our little offering of talent (He gave us) and time (He gave us) to make something far more than what we can imagine. BUT, if we do not act in obedience then He will accomplish His plan through another way. Lord, may I be like Esther and (at least) hesitate to be disobedient to your direction for me as you are my Holy King. May I be found faithful and obedient for the Kingdom work at hand.

Understanding there is much to be done in the United States and worldwide, our calling has taken us to the DR to be a part of the life-changing work on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. We simply are unable to accomplish this without YOUR generosity. Please be a part of our support team by contributing to the $1800 a month deficit we have in monthly giving on our behalf which is our salary. The link to be a part of God's faithfulness to us is:
Levi and Sarah in the snow for the first time.

Christmas 2014

Back with good friends, Jakob and Isaak Megilligan

Fun with Matt and Kassie Fleming!!!