Friday, December 20, 2019

This is our WOW,-It-Has-Been-A-Crazy-Year Update!

I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart;
wait, I say, on the LORD.
Psalm 27:13-14

This is our WOW,-It-Has-Been-A-Crazy-Year Update!

First, Merry Christmas! It is our hope that this past year found you waiting on the LORD as He brought you courage. This year has been very full of ups and downs. I (Laurie) will try to condense them here for y'all.

A year exactly today, we paid our first Jarabacoa rent. We have completely enjoyed our community of neighbors—most of them are missionaries also. We have gotten familiar with how Jarabacoa and Doulos work. It is really quite a different community than what we have been used to on the north coast of the DR. The Lord has certainly brought us joy, even in difficulties of transition, in many different areas of our new life with Doulos Ministries.

This August brought a new challenge for Joe. He is now working part time at Doulos. This has been an adjustment, but a good change. We are now all spending most of our waking hours at Doulos Discovery School. :)

This November brought the passing of Joe's father and while that was a strained relationship with many years of silence, his passing has had a big impact on Joe. Never underestimate the important role fathers have in their kids' lives. Please keep Joe and his family in your prayers and they pass through their first Christmas without Big Joe.

A few days after returning back to the DR from Joe's dad's funeral, my mom informed me that the pain in her back--which she had checked because they were planning to come visit us at Christmas--turned out to be cancer. She is in the process of getting treatment for lymphoma. We are wildly thankful for the a treatable diagnosis, but our family would sure appreciate your prayers for my mom as she passes through this challenging time and as my dad takes his turn as nurse. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to go back to Indiana after Christmas to help out as she faces treatment that leaves her feeling very, very, very worn out.

Sam is in 5th grade and goes by Joseph at school here in Jarabacoa. He is doing well in school and has adjusted well. He's growing like a weed and played soccer this year. He enjoys learning, being creative and loves doing things as a family. This sweet pea leaves me notes of encouragement when I am overwhelmed. It is no wonder how he won the Servant Leader Award at school this month. Sam is on the far left in the picture below.  You may recognize the kid on the far right.  :) 

Levi is in 4th grade and loves school. Levi enjoys learning. He chose to take French class instead of soccer or art in the After School Program. He also won the Servant Leader Award at school and we couldn't be more proud of our servant leaders. Levi also loves to snuggle with his Mama (wow, won't he hate this blog in a few years?) and loves being up trees, panning or gold in the river, playing endless board games and just running around with the neighbor boys (pictured below) whose family is serving with Kids Alive.

Sarah is in 2nd grade and also loves school. She loves her teachers, her friends and to sing. She and her friend had a duet in the Christmas program this year. Sarah is a girl of decision and recently decided that she would like her ears pierced. She's doing a great job of cleaning her new bling. Sarah loves to play with the neighbor girl--pictured above-- (sister to the neighbor boys mentioned in Levi's summary) and so there is constant activity between the apartments as they are across the hall.

Joe who, as mentioned before, is now working in Intervention at Doulos is learning the ropes of working at a school--a very different situation than working at Dell! He is passionate about the Gospel and making sure the kids know how to have eternal life. He continues to lead our family (pictured below) in Bible lessons that have included an all-family Greek learning through reading Scripture in Greek. It is very basic, but the boys are picking it up.

Laurie is teaching art to middle school, high school and third grade. It has been a looooong time since she has taught art, but she is LOVING it. The students are so wonderfully creative and just need a forum to release their creativity. She has two more classes to complete her Master's degree (C'mon, 1 May!!!!) and, wow, she will be thrilled to be done. She usually threatens to quit at least once a class and there are usually tears involved, but she has prevailed by the literal grace of God. She has even managed to maintain a very good GPA!

The Lord has been so faithful to our little family. He has seen us through an extremely difficult time of transitioning from one ministry to Doulos. He has brought us friends and family here in the chilly mountains. Doulos took in our hurt family and made us feel most welcomed. Most importantly, He has brought us joy as we have waited on Him. We are blessed and thankful for all He has done—especially sending His Son as a baby to create a path for us to have eternal life in Him.

If you are interested in financially partnering with us in this ministry that strives to bring about change in the DR through the education of students equipped to face real problems and solutions within the Dominican community while providing a Christian education, please do so here: . If you would like to contact Laurie to know more about what we do, please write me at We'd LOVE to hear from you. If you would love to come down and serve on a missions team, serve as a teacher or be a sponsor for Sam, Levi or Sarah, please email me and I can put you in contact with the right people.

Many, many, many thanks for your prayers and faithfulness to our family. We are honored that you have read this blog on our crazy, but joyful year.


Grace and peace, Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi and Sarah

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Moving Majcher Mountains....emphasis on 'mountains!!
Easter 2019

Hiking with the family....something about hiking to waterfalls makes us goofy!  :)
Hiking, hiking and more hiking.  

As I type, Joe and the boys, along with some of our neighbors, are hiking Mogote. Mogote is a mountain we can see from our apartment in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. For those of you who are just joining us, our 15-year time with Makarios came to an end in November. In December, we moved from the north coast of the DR to the mountains of Jarabacoa to work with Doulos Discovery School.

Some things are different
Deuteronomy 31:8 And the LORD, He it is that doth go before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.
Lots of things are different. The temperature in Jarabacoa is much chillier, like 75 degrees....brrrr! :) We have an apartment now, which we love. Instead of having an ocean really close, we have a river right behind our apartment.
Instead of being a part of a school that is all Spanish-speaking, Doulos is bilingual. There are different activities the kids have found. The boys are in soccer now and Sarah is in ballet. Sam, whose name is Joseph Samuel, has asked his teachers and classmates to call him 'Joseph'. Instead of leading a school, Laurie was a teacher this past fall working with students who are struggling and she helped teachers see things from an administration perspective. This coming year, Laurie will be teaching Middle School and High School Art and Joe will be working with the students who are struggling. We are a complete Doulos family!

Some things are the same
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever.
While there are about 6 million things that are different, there are a few things that are the same. The kids have the same joy for school and have really transitioned well. The Doulos teachers were pleased with all that Sam, Levi and Sarah knew. Nice job, Makarios staff!
We have the same love for teaching students to make a difference in the world.
We serve the same God Almighty who has sustained through the whirlwind that was the past year, but six months specifically.
There is also the same need for generous people to give to the ministry of Doulos on our behalf. The transitioning from one ministry to another means that many who gave to us may not know how to find us now at Doulos. If you would like to join our supportive team, here is how:

Here's some quick info
  • Joe and Laurie will both be working at Doulos Discovery School in this fall.
  • Sam will be entering 5th grade (Whaaaat?)
  • Levi will be entering 4th grade (Stop it!)
  • Sarah will be entering 2nd grade (NO way!!)
  • Joe and Laurie have signed a three-year commitment to the mission of Doulos to train up students in the DR to impact to the DR for the Lord.
  • Laurie has started grad school October in Educational Leadership and is half way done. Lord willing, she will have this accomplishment achieved, done, finished by December......if it doesn't kill her.
  • We are thankful that the Lord has brought us through the valley of this past year and set us firmly on the solid ground of the mountains of Jarabacoa.

Thanks y'all and God bless,

Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi and Sarah

Here are some more pix of our fam.....

Levi showing off his Egyptian art work that was chosen for the Doulos Art Show. 
Levi sitting in the midst of letters from his Makarios class.  It was a very meaningful act by Profe Manielis and Profe India. 

Sam and Levi were selected by their teachers to earn the Code of Conduct character trait award for Courageous.  

Sam was selected by the staff of the After School Program for being Most Outstanding After School Program Kid.  Sam was so surprised....which is probably, in part, how he earned the award!  

Sam showing his work that was selected for the Doulos Art Show. 

Levi's class learned ALL about Ancient Egypt in his 3rd grade class.  He had to play the part of Joseph in his Egyptian days.  He wrote his part in English and Spanish which he is sharing with Jon Sawyer, fellow Doulos employee and Dr. Gonzalez, a Doulos Board Member.

Sarah's class researched God's Creation in 1st grade.  Sarah was one of the Bible Experts during the presentation to the parents and staff.  

My sweet ballerina with fun makeup from the Festival of Flowers.

How is this pink-loving, makeup-loving, dress-wearing girlie girl mine???  

At the end of the year, the elementary teachers select a student who has demonstrated the character trait.  Sarah was awarded the Courageous Award.  

These cuties!

Again, these cuties.  They bring us so much joy...usually.  :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Where you go, we'll go!

Where you go, we'll go”

This is what one of our supporters wrote to us as we shared we were going to be moving to Doulos Discovery School in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The change was very quick and I wasn't sure how folks would respond. This response was one of the beautiful things the Lord gave us to help carry us through this past month and a half of transition. We were asking a lot for supporters to continue to support our family as we moved from Makarios to Doulos Ministries. This response and the many like it have been our peace—a true gift from the Lord.

It very much reminded me of faithful Ruth's life changing decision to follow Naomi back to the land of Judah. We need to have the same quick response to our God when He asks, 'Will you go with me?' This 'go' has been difficult. Sooooo, how ARE we doing? I love that you asked. :) Shockingly (just kidding), God's faithful has been overwhelming. Less than a month and a half ago we were sitting on the north coast making certain plans and now we have our apartment all set up and are a month into our new classes at Doulos in the mountains. WOW. And, every one of you is invited to visit. :)


--Sam (4th grade), Levi (3rd grade) and Sarah (1st grade) LOVE their classes. They have adjusted well to their new surroundings. One of Sarah's first assessments was, 'Mama, they ALL speak English ALL day.' This is the first time the kids are in an English-speaking school! :) The assessment of many people at Doulos is said with surprise, 'Your kids know A LOT of Spanish!' Yes, yes, they do. :)

I also had a First Day of School Culture Shock when we remembered that this school like a normal school. I needed to send pencils with my kids....AND lunch, and, oh my goodness, my kids needed breakfast! Luckily, we got it squared away and the kids didn't need to fast on their first day!

--The kids have made some fun new friends while being thankful for their friends back on the north coast.

--Joe has had some wonderful experiences exploring the mountains in our area and has jumped into Spanish classes. He is still considering more university classes to complete his bachelor's degree, but we are waiting on that until our family can settle in a bit more.

--I, Laurie, am getting used to my new surroundings. I enjoy the challenge of helping students who are struggling and I have a 9th/10th grade art class that I am loving!! We very much enjoy our apartment and we've got outstanding neighbors—am I right, Jon and Rachel Sawyer!!?? :)

I have two very important prayer requests:

--Please pray for our wounded hearts as we are still transitioning. We have heard the 'go', we have 'gone', now we desire to healthily grow and blossom with the ministry of Doulos.

--We really need your prayer support for supporters. In the transition, we have lost a few supporters and need to replace them. Please join us in prayer for this need we are facing. If you'd like to join our support team, we'd be so thankful. Here's where to find our giving page:
Thank you to all of you who take the time to read this and pray for us. Your prayers are powerful and we feel them. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of financial support and thank you for the support that y'all have and do send in. We are unable to work toward the valuable mission of Doulos ( without your faithfulness and sacrifice. We are incredibly thankful!!

Doulos' Mission Statement
Educating and equipping servant leaders
through Christian discipleship and expeditionary learning 
to impact the Dominican Republic

Grace and peace,

Joe, Laurie, Sam (who goes by his first name of 'Joseph' at school!), Levi and Sarah

Doulos Discovery School Pix