1 Samuel 12:24 Only fear the LORD, and serve Him faithfully with
all your heart: for considering what great things He has done for you.
In this season of THANKSGIVING we are thankful for so many things:
--We are thankful for a fantastic school to be a part of. Our three children,
along with around 300 students who attend Doulos Discovery School, are
learning to have a Biblical worldview which shapes their thinking.
--We are thankful for fun at school and home as Levi participated
in a school activity and Sarah played dress up at home!
--I am thankful for a chance to use my wisdom gained through my MANY
years to speak to the middle school and high school kids in the weekly chapel.
--We are thankful for our health even as Joe has been experiencing some
long term COVID symptoms, we are thankful for the health we have.
--This is Sam and his 1st grade buddy. The entire student body
has a buddy. This is Sam’s 1st year to be the BIG buddy.
We are thankful for buddies!
--We are so thankful for all the people who have supported us
financially and through prayer and for those who continue to do
so. It is super humbling to raise our own salary, but are so thankful
for those of you who are on our team.
Want to join our team? Please visit our giving page at Majcher Giving Page.
Many blessings to you from our family this Thanksgiving,
Joe, Laurie, Sam (12), Levi (11), Sarah (8) and the two hedgehogs, Flower and Beatrice.