Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Laurie's Bday Fundraising Opportunity

 Help support the Majchers for Laurie's b-day!, a Dark Heather Grey Premium Unisex Tee

Hey Y'all, above is the link and a pic of what we are selling to help with some of our growing needs as we stay in the Dominican Republic.  We would love a huge happy birthday to me by buying a gift for YOU, and YOUR FAMILY and maybe YOUR DOG. :)  I think your neighbor would look smashing in a Moving Majcher Mountains sweatshirt!  :) When you receive your shirt(s), please send me a pic of you in your new shirt! 

I know these aren't the days of communal living as in Acts, but we truly, truly can't do what we do without the financial support of individuals.  

Thank you for helping me live out Philippians 4:6.

Verse of the Day - Philippians 4:6 | The JOY FM 

Grace and much peace, 

Joe, Laurie, Sam, Levi, and Sarah

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

I Met a Strange Lady


I Met a Strange Lady

No, this isn’t a Men at Work song. No, we have not 

moved to the Land Down Under.  :)   But, I did meet 

a strange lady at my parent’s church.  I don’t know 

much about her, but she runs a non-profit for women 

who struggle with addiction.  Her ministry is called 

Worthy Women and it is worth checking out here!  

The bottom line is that Sonshine, the founder, doesn’t 

play.  She considers herself a professional beggar for 

her ministry.  Her business model is simply Philippians 4:6.

Do not be anxious?  

No, not about about anything.  

BUT RATHER, take to the Lord.  

Tell Him about stuff and ask Him 

for what you need.  

Be grateful for what you do have.  

Hmmmm, that’s kinda weird.

The first day back at school is a work day for staff.  We 

have devos, worship, prepare, and do some Let’s-Get-

Ready-For-The-Kids stuff.  One of the points was to 

re-engage with a card we wrote when we were fresh-faced 

at a retreat back in August.  I had ZERO idea what I 

had written….Aug seems like many moons ago.  🙂

I was re-struck by the word ‘unhindered’.  It did cross my 

mind that ‘worry’ could be construed as a ‘hindrance’…….. 

I DO want to be used by God--


by worry, fear and the hurdle of fundraising.

Many people are ‘professional beggars’ like Sonshine calls it.  

It is the way many schools and businesses overseas are able 

to function and keep costs affordable for stakeholders.  

Fundraising has never really been my spiritual gift, but God is 

clear in His Word to not WORRY about it though.  I am not 

promoting that we not work or use our brains God has given us.   

God very well may use fundraising--or lack of it--as a way to 

guide our family, but regardless, I am specifically told in Scripture 

to not worry.  

My friend, David Gusik, reminded me that when I worry I usurp 

my Heavenly Father’s role a Father.  I am a Child of God.  

My role is child.  I need not WORRY for things that are for things 

in my life--much like when I was little.  No one expected me as a 

child to figure out the family budget.  

Not my role. Not my lane.  

I want to serve God unhindered.  

Do we need to raise more support?  Yes!  

Have I wondered if God is using our low support 

to call us back to the States?  Yeah.  

Has this year-long missions trip has turned into 

a home? It sure has.   

Our country away from our country.  

My confidence in the words ‘do not worry for anything’ 

get a hair foggy here.  So, I will consider those things AS 

I bring them into prayer with my Father.  The One who 

desires a relationship with me, to hear my fears and wants 

my anxious thoughts.  I will fight the temptation to 

Worry and I am committed to a new business model.  

Striving to be unhindered by anxiousness, I will surrender 

it regularly, communicate with Him about my highs and 

lows while asking Him for provision and thanking Him for 

all the wonderful blessings He has provided for our family 

over the years.  

Thanks for reading this far. I wouldn’t want to make it 

challenging for God’s provision to be evident, so I will 

include our giving page.  Blessings to you all as you listen 

to the Lord’s prompting (in whatever way you are doing that) 

and are obedient to it. MANY are blessed through your 

faithfulness to Him.  Majcher Giving Page

Grace and peace, 
