Tuesday, October 29, 2013

First Blog Entry--Let's see if I can do this. :)

HOLA from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic where we are serving with Makarios (makariosinternational.org), an Austin-based, non-profit organization.  We have been here for a little over 2 months now and seem to be making a decent transition to our new life. 

Sam (4-years old) and Levi (3-years old) are doing well at Colegio Makarios (the Makarios School) and both love their teachers.  I (Laurie) am working as principal of the school.  Joe and Sarah (8-months old) are hanging at home and working on their Spanish. 

Since we arrived in August there have been many opportunities to make some big decisions to establish our ministry with a school to a school with a ministry.  Our school is growing and doing a great work--we were at a crossroads to pursue some official recognitions.  We are mere weeks from being granted non-profit status in the DR.  We had several educational obstacles as we share our students with the public school since we are not formally recognized by the government as a school.  This means that our students' records with the Makarios School don't carry weight if they move to another town or want to go to college. 

This recognition by the Dominican government will give us a code that students' grade level will be in the system and seen by the school they go to if they move.  It will also mean that we could extend our day for a higher educational experience.  This is a big step that has implications that have put us into the midst of MANY changes. 

The bottom line is that the Makarios staff is the best staff and they will handle these changes with grace and poise.  They are sharp and very flexible.  I would ask that you pray for this process though as it brings much change in much of what we do--changes like this are not common in late October/early November. 

There will be more on this as progress occurs.  We highly value your prayers for this situation.
Please also pray with us as we are still not fully funded.  We have been very blessed by the gifts that have sustained us so far.  Thank you for that sacrifice on your part so we can serve here.  1 Samuel 12:24 "But be sure to only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully; consider what great things He has done for you."  Y'all are part of that 'great things He has done for you'!!

Thank you for your prayers and concern for us, Laurie for Joe, Sam, Levi and Sarah

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