Tuesday, August 3, 2021

WOW....whatta year....and then some!!


August 2021

Hey Y’all,

Wow….whatta year...and then some!!  

Psalm 18:35  You have given me the shield of Your salvation; 

Your right 

hand has held me up.  

(Amen to that!)

The short of it is that the past school year in the Dominican Republic was completely 

online.  The whole year.  (Boo to that!)  We are extremely thankful for Doulos and 

their persistence in not letting a pandemic stand in the way of doing our best to educate 

kids in these tricky times. For our family, this meant that I went to school and taught 

art virtually and Joe stayed home with Sam, Levi and Sarah and they had packets and 

virtual classes throughout the day.  You can imagine the fun that might be in a country 

that doesn’t have the most stable electricity system.  I am proud to say that WE SURVIVED 

the school year, but I am much MORE glad to say that our students will be heading back 

to campus on 17 August, 2021!!!  This is SUCH great news! 



Galatians 6:2  Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law 

of Christ. 

(Amen to this, too!)

During this challenging time of virtual learning, we are thankful for so many things.  We 

have a great community that upheld those who were sick with COVID or in quarantine for 

having a COVID contact.  While there were curfews in the Dominican Republic that were 

sometimes quite early, we were able to still be in our little neighborhood, by the river and 

visiting with friends in our apartment complex. 

This photo is from our back balcony!

Friendships in middle school are crucial.  Robert is one of those friends for Sam. 

Friends playing in the river!

Levi not only survived a year of online learning, but earned the highest 

grades in 5th grade and was honored with the Doulos Of The Year Award.  

Given to the elementarystudent who embodies all of the Codes of Character:  

Revolutionary, Wise, Courageous, Servant Leader, Relational, and Perseverant

Our 4th of July plans were foiled by COVID, but we celebrated with

distance with our Canadian neighbors!  Yes, Levi is climbing the

bars on the windows…….(makes ya kind of question that ‘Wise’ part

Of the Doulos of the Year Award, huh?)

1 Samuel 16:7b for the LORD does not see as man sees; for 

man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 

(Good thing!!)

One of the habits that went to the wayside during our COVID months was hair cuts. :)  

There is evidence of this growth in the picture below of Joe and me.  Despite the lack of 

hair and beard cuts, Joe and I celebrated 20 years of marriage in June. :) 

Sarah helped Joe lighten his load a bit.  :)  Thank you, Sarah!  

Proverbs 16:9  A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD 

directs his steps.  

In this COVID year, our summer plans were thwarted a bit by four of us testing positive for 

COVID.  This meant we couldn’t fly when we intended to.  We finally were able to go and 

were able to see some family and had some really fun times with some of our supporters.  

Time, this trip, just didn’t allow for us to see as many people as we hoped.  

Here are a few pictures.  

Psalm 128:1  Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in 

His ways.  

(Here we are, LORD!)

Y’all, God has sustained our family through this crazy year.  We are exceedingly grateful.  

Here is what we have coming up this year:

Laurie will be facing a new role of Master Teacher of Elementary and Specials Teachers.  

This is a group of about 20 people whom I will coach this year as we strive to achieve the 

mission of Doulos--educating and equipping servant leaders through Christian discipleship 

and expeditionary learning to impact the Dominican Republic. 

Joe will step out of his role at school to be available as our three adjust to being back 

at school.  He may embark on a Bible degree in the Spring.  

Sam, who goes by Joseph at school, is 12 years old and entering into 7th grade.  The

transition from 5th grade to 6th grade was a bit of a bumpy road for this middle schooler, 

but it was a learning experience for all of us.  Sam is also now taller than me….

which I find completely obnoxious! :)

Levi will be 11 on Saturday and is entering 7th grade. He received the highest grades in 

his class last year as well as the Doulos of the Year Award.  He is excited about middle 

school and learning from many teachers.  

Sarah is 8 and entering 4th grade (when she was in PreK, we started her early to 

learn Spanish--a decision the Dominican Ministry of Education sticks with once made) 

and she is so excited to be back at school on campus.  Online school was a challenge for 

this social butterfly who gets easily distracted, but we are full speed ahead looking forward 

to face-to-face school.   

We would appreciate prayers for the Dominican Republic as everyone starts back to 

school after being out of traditional class for so long.  We would also appreciate prayer 

for our family as we prepare for all the ‘new’ and faithfully serve God with all our heart.  

May we honor His 

faithfulness with joyful obedience.  

As always, thank you for reading about our fam.  Thank you for praying for our fam.  

Thank you 

for financially supporting our fam.  


If you’d like to join the team of givers, please head to  


Grace and much peace, 

Laurie for Joe, Sam, Levi and Sarah

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